The Coach’s Corner

How to Lose Weight While Traveling: Tips and Strategies for Success

by Yeni Curbelo

Lizzy Swick Nutrition Counseling: The Coach's Corner | How to Lose Weight While Traveling: Tips and Strategies for Success

Traveling can make it challenging to stick to your weight loss goals, but it doesn’t have to be impossible. With the right weight loss tips you can make progress even out of your normal routine. The key is to start by asking yourself: what is my current goal?  What you want most right now is not the same as all the things you want.  For example,  are you focused on weight loss, maintaining your progress, working on your relationship with food and healing your hormones all at the same time?  First things first, choose one.

There are many ways to stay consistent with your nutrition and fitness goals, and while there are so many different weight loss tips online, it always boils  down to staying consistent.  While not necessary, you can lose weight while traveling, and it all starts with having a gentle mindset.

Exercise While Traveling

Maybe you’re used to hitting the gym hard most of the week or carefully tracking everything you eat. But when you’re traveling, your approach may need to adapt depending on the type of traveler you are. If you’re someone who loves staying active and exploring as much as possible (like me), sticking to a strict gym routine might be unrealistic. Whether it’s limited time or just physical exhaustion from sightseeing, your body is already doing more than usual, even if it’s not at the same intensity.

Think about how many opportunities there are to be active while on vacation compared to being at home. I often skip elevators for stairs, start friendly races with fellow travelers, and choose walking over taxis. Sometimes, I’ll even jog up hills or take on more challenging paths. Keeping an open mind and trying different approaches can help you stay aligned with your goals while enjoying your trip.

I always recommend that my clients bring resistance bands when they travel. Some days, you might want to squeeze in a workout when you have time or if your exploration pace slows down. You might not have access to a gym, but bands let you focus on slow, controlled movements that activate your muscles while giving your body a break from heavy weights. They’re also great for getting a quick, effective workout before you start your day—or if you’re like my brother, even at the end of the day.

For some of us, just showing up and doing something helps us stay on track. Whether you’re in the middle of a fitness challenge (like I was on one of my getaways) or just trying to avoid feeling guilty about skipping workouts, I love the saying “something is better than nothing.” While you’re traveling, that could mean a quick 10-minute circuit (with the bands). Having an open mind and being adaptable is key. Things don’t always have to look the same; there are different ways to stay consistent and aligned with your goals while taking in new experiences.

Nutrition While Traveling

When it comes to nutrition, the same concept applies: flexibility and balance are key. You might not have your food scale with you (or maybe you do, haha), but even with a scale, you can’t always control how food is prepared by others. There’s no way to accurately calculate the way someone else cooks, and that’s where balance and trusting yourself come into play.

It’s all about making choices that align with your lifestyle and goals while staying present in the moment. You might be exploring a new culture and possibly visiting places you may never return to. That’s why embracing the simple pleasures—like the best dessert you’ve ever had or a unique pasta dish—is part of enjoying life.

You can choose to just eat a taste of the cuisine and control how much you indulge.  Just like we said that something is better than nothing, the same applies to food as well.  A little taste of something rich and decadent is better than not trying it out of fear it will ruin all your progress.

I’ve been on vacations where I’ve been super strict with my nutrition, and I’ve also had trips where I’ve completely let go. The funny thing is, I always end up craving my regular, day-to-day food. A few days of indulging won’t throw you off track as long as you don’t lose yourself in it.

When I’m being strict, I simply say no to foods I can easily get back home: bread, juice, soda, ice cream—the usual stuff. I focus on filling my plate with vegetables, salads, and protein. Even when I’m strict, I’ll allow myself to enjoy a cocktail or a favorite dessert. As long as my main meals are balanced and I’m avoiding junk food, I stay mindful that this trip might be a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Balance is key.

I’m a sweet lover and enjoy trying beautiful, eye-catching treats. Sometimes I’ll grab a little bit of everything, whether it’s a fancy pastry or a variety of different croissants, but I’ve learned that food doesn’t control me—I control it. I’m in tune with how my body feels when I overeat, and I’ve come to realize that the joy comes from enjoying a few bites, not from overindulging. Happiness comes from within, not from food. Food is fuel—yes, we should enjoy it, but it’s meant to nourish us, not fill emotional voids.

Ultimately, the number one tool to stay aligned with your weight loss goals while traveling is to relax. When we relax, our cortisol levels go down, allowing our metabolism to function more optimally. This can lead to reduced cravings for unhealthy foods, improved insulin sensitivity (which helps regulate sugar levels), and more balanced energy that can contribute to healthier eating habits and better choices.

By adopting a flexible and gentle approach, you can enjoy your travels while staying true to your health and fitness goals.

Here’s where to focus your consistency on:

  • Plan Ahead
  • Make Smart Food Choices
  • Stay Active
  • Practice mindful eating
  • Get Enough Sleep
  • Stay Consistent
  • Seek Support

When it comes to crafting a supportive plan with a coach who will be by your side at home or on the road, the team at Lizzy Swick Nutrition has you covered.  For more help, reach out to Lizzy today.